Aberdeen Proving Ground

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All Jobseekers Wanted!

APG Career Fair
May 4, 2024 | 10:00am-4:00pm
Mallette Training Facility
6575 Jayhawk Road, BLDG 6008, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005

Aberdeen Proving Ground is hiring for the following career fields:

Accounting * Administrative Support * Aircraft Operations * Computer Science * Contract/Acquisition * Data Science * Electricians/Electronics * Engineering * Equipment Services * Facility Coordination * Finance & Budget * Human Resources * IT * Inventory Management * Supply & Logistics Management * Management & Program Analysis * Mathematics * Medical * Operations Research * Paralegal * Safety & Occupational Health * Student Internship * Technical Writing * Training

To pre-register and submit a resume, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/2dhdbo2w

APG Visitor installation access: https://home.army.mil/apg/about/visitor-information

CECOM will be hosting the APG Spring Career Fair

Job Fair Access

To request visitor access:

1. Visit:  https://pass.aie.army.mil/apg

2. Complete the on-line registration pages. Do not change the date of arrival. Once you complete the registration and the record is vetted you will receive one of two emails:

Pass is approved. The email will have the pass attached. Go to the gate and show the pass to the guard. They will scan your pass or driver’s license.


  • Enter through the Maryland Boulevard (Route 715) Gate for Aberdeen Area/APG North or the Hoadley Road (Route 24) Gate for Edgewood Area/APG South.
  • Valid photo ID for attendees 18 and over.
  • Drivers must present a valid driver’s license and current vehicle registration
  • All persons and their possessions, to include vehicles, are subject to inspection by the Aberdeen Proving Ground Police Department.

Motor Vehicle Insurance and Driving Requirements
Each person operating a motor vehicle in the state of Maryland must have insurance that complies with Maryland Law. This requirement also applies to non-resident owners or registrants of motor vehicles physically present within the state for more than 90 of the preceding 365 days.