Aberdeen Proving Ground

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States of Matter

  • When: Sat., March 2, 2024 • 1–3pm
  • Drop off: Discovery Center at Water’s Edge 4505 Pulaski Hwy., Belcamp, MD 21017 
  • Cost: $10 material fee; pre-registration required
  • Registration can be found in Click here link
  • Max Availability: 45
  • Ages 5 and up.

Description: Everybody has either seen or has actually blown up a balloon. But, do you know why a balloon gets bigger when air is added inside? And, did you know that balloons can get bigger without any air at all being added inside the balloon? In this DCWE Science Saturday session, you will find out three different ways to blow up a balloon and you will understand the reasons why the balloon gets bigger. We will also investigate why liquids boil into gasses, and why liquids freeze into solids. The change of matter into the three different common states (gas, liquid, and solid) will be better understood. Plus, it will be fun to see some very unusual liquids (liquid nitrogen). Sign up today for the States of Matter Science Saturday. It is better to understand how things work than to guess.

Please note, admission to the Discovery Center is not included in the price of this Science Saturday.

Register now!

Additional information on Science Saturday can be found below.

About the Discovery Center at Water’s Edge

Did you know that high-speed photography was invented at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)? That the first computer, the ENIAC, was created and operated at APG?  That every bomb-sniffing dog can trace its roots to APG? How about the world’s first emails being sent via the ARPANet?

We have an incredible brain-trust at APG that for 100 years has developed world-changing technology for soldiers and civilians. The Discovery Center at Water’s Edge leverages this brain trust for the benefit of the public, particularly our students who must be STEM literate to succeed today.